1. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words:-
2. Every wise man should save for...
Rainy days
3. Sleeping partner means:-
One who has invested in business but takes no active part in its management.
4. UN was established to:-
Settle political disputes.
5. Yellow journalism refers to:-
6. Law is never law unless:-
It is enforced by a sovereign authority
7. A computer derives its basic strength from:-
8. If a car drives 25 kilometres on two litres of petrol, how many litres will be needed for trip of 150 kilometres?
9. Find 60% of 70:-
10. Vitamin C is essential for:-
11. Sound cannot travel through:-
12. A good tax should:-
Encourage growth in all sectors of the economy.
13. A system which results in a rigid one-party dictatorship permitting private ownership but not management of the production is:-
14. The tax levied on the import and export of commodities is named as:-
Customs duty
15. We see the flash of lightning before we hear the sound of the thunder because:-
The light rays travel much faster than the sound waves.
16. The Ozone layer plays ________ role for the organic life on earth.
17. Bonded Labour is:-
Forced labour
18. If you write down all the numbers from 1-100, how many times would you write 3?
19. Complete the series.
6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, _______.
27, 30
20. A seventeen years old is not ________ to vote in elections.
General Knowledge for PPSC Exams
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