The Largest, Longest, Biggest, Highest, Smallest in the World
Largest continent is Asia
Largest ocean is Pacific Ocean
Largest bay is Hudson Bay
Largest country (area) is Soviet Union
Largest dam is Grand Coulee Dam, USA
Largest desert is Sahara (North Africa)
Largest gulf is Gulf of Mexico
Largest Volcano is Manuna Lea (Hawai)
Longest Corridor is Rameshwaram Temple (India)
Largest land animal is Africa bush Elephant
Largest land animal is cheetah
Largest island is Green land
Largest Lake is Caspian Sea
Largest fresh water Lake is Lake Superior
Largest mountain range is Andes, South America
Largest peninsula is Arabia
Largest planet is Jupiter
Largest railway station is Grand central terminal, New York City, USA
Largest railway platform is Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Largest Animal is Blue Bottom whale
Largest Bird is Ostrich
Largest sea is South China Sea
Largest Cathedral is Cathedral Church of New York
Largest Cemetry is Ohlsdorf Cemetry (Hamburg, Germany)
Largest Church is Balisca of St. Peter in the Vatican City, Rome.
Largest Country (Area) is Russia
Largest Delta is Sunderban (India)
Largest Desert is Sahara, North Africa
Largest Dams is Grand Coulee Dam, USA
Largest Hotel is Excalibur Hotel (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
Largest Library is United States Library of Congress, Washington
Largest Mosque is Jama Masjid, Delhi (India)
Largest Mountain Range is Andes (South America)
Largest Minaret is Sultan Hassan Mosque (Egypt)
Largest Palace is Imperial Palace (China)
Largest Park is National Park of North-Eastern (Greenland)
Largest Platform is Grand Central Terminal, (Rly. Station), New York (USA)
Largest Stadium is Starhove Stadium, Prague (Czech Republic)
Largest Sea-bird is Albatross
Largest Sea is South China Sea
Largest Temple is Angkorwat in Combodia.
Highest Lake is Titicaca (Bolivia)
Highest Mountain Peak is Mount Everest (Nepal)
Highest Mountain Range is Himalayas, Asia.
Highest Plateau is Pamir (Tibet)
Highest Road is Leh-Nobra, Ladakh division India.
Highest Village is Andean (Chile)
Highest Volcano is Ojos Del Salado, (Argentina) Chile
Highest Rail Track is Kwinghai- Tibbet Railway (China)
Highest airport is King Abdul Aziz international airport, Saudi Arabia
Highest Airport is Lhasa Airport, Tibet
Highest mountain range is Himalayas, Asia
Highest Mountain peak Mount is Everest, Himalayas, Nepal
Highest Waterfall is Angel (Venezuela)
Highest City is Wenchuan, China
Highest waterfall is Salto angel falls, Venezuela
Biggest Airbus is Double Decker A-380
Biggest Flower is Rafflesia (Java)
Biggest Museum is American Museum of NaturalHistory (New York).
Biggest Telescope is Mt. Palomar (USA)
Biggest Cinema House is Roxy, New York
Biggest Oceans is Pacific Ocean
Biggest Palace is Vatican (Rome)
Smallest Bird is Humming bird
Smallest country (area) is Vatican City
Smallest continent is Australia
Smallest planet is mercury
Longest River is Nile, Africa
Longest River Dam is Hirakud Dam, India
Longest Train is Flying Scotsman
Longest Epic is Mahabharata
Longest Day is June 21
Longest Bridge is Huey P. Long Bridge (USA)
Longest Canal is Baltic Sea White Canal
Tallest animal is Giraffe
Tallest Building is Dubai Burj (Dubai)
Tallest Minaret is Qutub Minar, Delhi (India)
Tallest Fountain is Fountain Hills, Arizona
Tallest Tower is C. N. Tower, Toronto (Canada)
Tallest fountain is Fountain hills, Arizona
Oldest Theatre is Teatro Olimpico (Itlay)
Lowest Water Level is Dead Sea
Lowest mountains is Bhesnna Bhaile
Hottest Place is Azizia (Libya)
Coldest Planet is Neptune
Rainiest Place is Mosinram, near Cherrapunji (India)
Lightest Gas is Hydrogen
Deepest ocean is Pacifi Ocean
Brightest planet is Venus
Most populous country is China
Least populous country is China
Least populous country is Vatican City
Nearest Planet (to the Sun) is Mercury
Farthest Planet (from the Sun) is Neptune
Deepest Lake is Baikal (Siberia)
Most Populous City is Tokyo
Shortest Day is December 22
Widest waterfall is Khone Falls, Laos
Brightest star is Sirius (Dog Star) longest wall great wall of china
Fastest Bird is Swift
Deepest Oceans is Pacific Ocean
Tallest Animal Giraffe
Fastest Bird Swift
Largest Bird Ostrich
Smallest Bird Humming Bird
Longest Railway Bridge Lower Zambesi (Africa)
Longest Canal (Ship) Baltic White Sea Canal (152 miles)
Highest City Wen Chuan (China) 16000 ft.
Largest Continent Asia
Smallest Continent Australia
Highest Country Tibet (The Pamirs)
Largest Country(in population) China
Largest Country(in area) USSR, now CIS (Common Wealth of Independent States)
Largest Day June 21 (Northern Hemisphere)
Shortest Day December 22(Northern Hemisphere)
Largest Desert Sahara (Africa)
Deepest Lake Baikal (Siberia) Average depth 2300 feet
Largest Lake (fresh water) Lake Superior (USA) (31200 sq.miles)
Largest Lake (salt water) Caspian Sea
Largest Masque Jama Masjid,Delhi, area 10000 Sq.ft.
Highest Mountain Peak Everest (Nepal) 29028 ft.
Highest Mountain Range The Himalayas
Longest Mountain Range The Andes (S.America),5500 miles
Biggest Museum British Museum (London)
Largest Punissula India
Hottest Place (World) Azizia (Libya,Africa) 136 F
Biggest Planet Jupiter
Smallest Planet Mercury
Highest Plateau Pamir (Tibet)
Longest Railway Platform Sonepur Station(Bihar,India) 2480 feet long
Biggest Telescope Mt.Palomar (USA)
Longest Railway Tunnel Tanna (Japan) 13 1/2 miles
Largest Road Tunnel Mount Blanc Tunnel (Between France and Italy),7 1/2 miles
Largest Volcano Mauna Loa (Hawaii),crater 12400 in diameter
Longest Wall Great Wall of China
Rainiest Spot (World) Cherrapunji (Assam,India),annual Average 1041.78 inches Rainfall
Lightest Metal Lithium
Biggest Temple Angkor Vat,Kampuchia
Wingless Bird Kiwi,New Zealand
Hardest Substance Diamond
Largest Animal Blue Whale,Recorded length 106 feet,Weight 195 tons
Largest land-Animal African Elephant
Biggest Flower Rafflesia (Java)Indonesia
Largest Stadium Strahov Stadium in Praha,Czech Republic accommodation 240000 persons
Largest Diamond Mine Kimbarley,south Africa
Longest Corridor
Rameshwaram TempleCorridor (5000 feet)
The Largest, Longest, Biggest, Highest, Smallest in the World
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