• Taxidermy means stuffing dead animals
• Stenography means short hand writing
• Psoriasis is a learning disability
• Paleontology is study of fossils.
• Hematology is the study of blood.
• Study of earth is geology
• Acoustics is the science of sound
• Cytology is the study of cell
• Entomology is the study of insects.
• Apiculture is science of bee keeping
• Ornithology is the science of birds
• Philology is the science of languages
• Oncology is the study of cancer
• Exobiology is the study of life in outer space
• Numismatics is the study of coins
• Eugenics is the study of altering humans by changing their genes or it refers to Improvement of human race
• Ethology is the study of animal behavior
• Anthropology is the study of origin and physical and cultural development of mankind
• Carpology is the study of fruits and seeds.
• Pathology deals with diseases
• Histology deals with organic tissues
• Pedology is the study of soil
• Cryogenics deals with the production, control and application of low temperatures
• Seismology is study of movements inside earth’s crust
• Ailurophobe is fear of animals
• Pyrophobia is fear of fire.
• Ambidextrous is one who can write with both hands.
• Astrophysics is a branch of astronomy which deals with the physical and chemical nature of heavenly bodies.
• . A etiology is the study of causes of disease.
• Concho logy is the study of shells.
• Cryptology is the study of codes.
• Dendrology is the study of trees.
• Ergonomics is the study of relationships between people and their working environment.
• Graphology is the study of handwriting.
• Ichthyology in the study of fish.
• Psychological study of life in artificial environment is called biopsy.
• Forms and features are studies under the branch of Marphology.
• Paleontology is the study of fossils.
• Phycology is the study of Algae.
• Mycology is the study of fungi.
• The art of compiling dictionary is called Lexicography.
• Anthropology is the study of man.
• Cartography is the art of making maps and charts.
• Philately is hobby of stamp collecting.
• The branch of zoology, which deals with the study of insects is called entomology
• The production of generally identical reproduction is called as Cloning
• A petrologist studies what- Rocks history formation etc
• An onomastician studies what - Names
• Thanatology is the study of what Death
• The study of human population is called Demography.
• What does an otologist study-The ear and its diseases
• Noologists study what-The Mind
• Semiology is the study of what-Signals
• What is silviculture- Forestry
• What is Xylography- Wood Engraving
• Paleontology is the science of history of life.
• Meteorology is the study of study of weather.
• Cryptography is the study which deals with the secret writing.
• Hydroponics means cultivation of the plants without use of soil.
• Hyetology is the study of rainfall.
• Mycology is the study of fungus and fungi diseases.
• Numismatics is the study of coins.
• Petrology is the study of rocks in the earth’s crust.
• Amniocentesis is a method for determination of foetal sex.
• What is Steganography: Invisible ink writing
• Ichthyologists study what Fish
• What does a psephologist study: Voting – Elections
• What is studied in Aerology-Planet Mars
• What does a philologist study- Languages
• Orthoepy is the study of what-Word pronunciation
• A philomath has a love of what- Learning
• What is a nidologist interested in-Birds nests
• What is philography- Autograph collecting
• Agronomy is the science of soil management.
• Penology is the study, theory and practice of prison management & criminal rehabilitation.
• Chemical preservation of dead organisms in liquid is called Cryo-Bilogy.
• Orthoepy is the study of what-Word pronunciation
• What does a philologist study- Languages
• Chlama domonas is unicellular plant
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