(1) A Tehsil/Town Officer, in addition to the provisions of the Punjab Local Government Ordinance, 2001 (XIII of 2001), shall-
(a) assist the Tehsil/Town Municipal Officer in formulation of policy and bring the cases to the notice of the Tehsil/Town Municipal Officer which are required to be submitted to the Tehsil/Town Nazim under these rules;
(b) duly execute the sanctioned policy;
(c) exercise general supervision over programmes, projects, services and activities of the office under his control;
(d) submit all proposals for taxation find the bye-laws to the Tehsil/Town Council through thc Tehsil/Town Municipal Officer and Tehsil/Town Nazim; provided the taxation proposals shall be scrutinized by the Tehsil/Town Officer (Finance) before submission to Tehsil/Town Municipal Officer and Tehsil/Town Nazim;
(e) be responsible to the Tehsil/Town Municipal Officer for the proper conduct of the business of the Tehsil/Town Office:
(f) subject to any general or special order of Government in this behalf, issue standing orders specifying the cases or other classes of cases which may be disposed of by an officer subordinate to the Tehsil/Town Officer; and
(g) be responsible for the careful observance of these rules in Tehsil/Town Offices under his control.
(2) While submitting a case for the orders of the Tehsil/Town Nazim or Tehsil/Town Municipal Officer, it shall be duty of the Telisil/Town Officer to suggest a definite line of action.
Proper Study Material for TMO
For proper preparation, consult 'Caravan Publishers Encyclopedia of General Knowledge' by Ch. Najib and, PPSC Past Papers published by Advanced Publishers by Imtiaz Shahid. These two books are sufficient. For online preparation, I don't think the method can award success as one has to study properly and extensively from the books as it is MCQs based general knowledge paper.
For Urdu portion, one should get know-how of the important books or authors of Urdu Literature. But, the above-mentioned books also comprise Urdu section and that is almost enough.