Agriculture past Paper 2010 / 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014

                            Agriculture 2010

Part I

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)

(i) Wheat inflorescence is called as:
(a) Spike
(b) Panicle
(c) Spadix
(d) Cymose
(e) None of these

(ii) Soil structure can be improved with the addition of:
(a) Chemical fertilizer
(b) Gypsum
(c) Lime
(d) Organic matter
(e) None of these

(iii) Humidity is measured by means of:
(a) Luxmeter
(b) Anemometer (c) Psychrometer
(d) Thermometer
(e) None of these

(iv) When soil surface is protected/covered with residue of a crop, the practice is called?
(a) Sheet erosion
(b) Nitrogen fixation
(c) Tillage
(d) Mulching
(e) None of these

(v) Which of the following is not a fruit?
(a) Tomato
(b) Potato
(c) Pumpkin
(d) Melon
(e) None of these

(vi) Which one of the following is a good source of protein?
(a) Wheat
(b) Maize
(c) Pulses
(d) Meat
(e) None of these

(vii) The vector of cotton leaf curl virus in Pakistan is considered as:
(a) Jassid
(b) Aphid
(c) Pink boll worm
(d) White fly
(e) None of these

(viii) In genetics the appearance of an attribute of living organism is termed as:
(a) Dominant
(b) Phenotype
(c) Recessive
(d) Genotype
(e) None of these

(ix) Rhizobium belongs to:
(a) Nitrogen fixing bacteria
(b) Amonifying bacteria
(c) Nitrifying bactyeria
(d) Denitrifying bacteria
(e) None of these

(x) In DNA, adenine always pairs with:
(a) Guanine
(b) Thymine
(c) Uracil
(d) Cytosine
(e) None of these

(xi) Insects have:
(a) 4 legs and 2 wings
(b) 8 legs and 4 wing
(c) 6 legs and 4 wings
(d) 4 legs and 4 wings
(e) None of these

(xii) Tikka disease is major pathogenic threat in:
(a) Wheat
(b) Apple
(c) Sorghum
(d) Groundnut
(e) None of these

(xiii) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has its headquarters in:
(a) Washington
(b) Geneva
(c) Rome
(d) Paris
(e) None of these

(xiv) Soil salinity can be rectified with:
(a) Urea
(b) Ammonium Sulphate
(c) Sodium Chloride
(d) Gypsum
(e) None of these

(xv) Safflower is an:
(a) Oil producing plant
(b) Ornamental plant
(c) Leguminous plant
(d) Fibre producing plant
(e) None of these

(xvi) Banana fruit is classified in the category of:
(a) Berry
(b) Pomes
(c) Stone fruit
(d) Drupe
(e) None of these

(xvii) Ploidy level of maize plant is:
(a) Monoploid
(b) Diploid
(c) Haploid
(d) Tetraploid
(e) None of these

(xviii) Gypsum is rich source of:
(a) Calcium + Zinc
(b) Calcium + Potassium
(c) Calcium + Sulpher
(d) Calcium + Nitrogen
(e) None of these

(xix) Gossypium hirsutum is the botanical name of:
(a) Rice
(b) Maize
(c) Sugarcane
(d) Cotton
(e) None of these

(xx) Olericulture is the study dealing with:
(a) Honey bee
(b) Rearing of silk worms
(c) Vegetable production
(d) Growing ornamental flowers
(e) None of the above
Part II

Q.2 Price control mechanism of some major agricultural commodities has failed in the country in the near past. Identify the main bottlenecks and suggest necessary measures to strengthen the existing marketing system.

Q.3 Biotic stresses are the matter of great concern in agricultural crop production . Give a comprehensive approach of various pathways to protect the crops from these threats.

Q.4 Discuss the causes of soil salinity and water-logging in irrigated agriculture. Suggest appropriate recommendations to reclaim saline sodic soils.

Q.5 Narrate the modern techniques of genetics regarding crop involvement. Discuss the prospects of new technologies to have the possibilities of another green revolution.

Q.6 Agricultural research has significantly enhanced the productivity of all field crops in Pakistan except the oilseeds. Narrate the main shortfalls and discuss the role of various institutions/agencies working on these lines.

Q.7 Write short notes on any of four foolowing:4*5
a) challenges in livestock management 
b) genetic resources and their conservation
c) organic crop production
d) potential of horticulture sector as an industry
e) range management in Pakistan
f) foot and mouth disease

Q.8 Differentiate between any four: 4*5
a) gram blight and gram wilt
b)C-3 plants and C4 plants
c) biological nitrogen fixation and nitrification
d) silviculture and sericulture
e) respiration and transpiration
f)basic seed and certified seed

                                                  Default Agriculture 2011 Paper




Q.2 Define insect pest management. How can you suggest IPM strategy to control insect pests of cotton crop?

Q.3 What is agricultural mechanization? How can you reduce use of irrigation water through advanced irrigation techniques?

Q.4 Describe major management and breeding problems in:
a. Fruits b. Vegetables

Q.5 What is modern concept of genetics, gene and gene information? How knowledge of genetics can be used for improving per hectare yield of crops?

Q.6 Define Soil Erosion. Suggest ways and means to be adopted for soil conservation in the rainfed areas of Punjab

Q.7 Describe forestry and range management. Illustrate measures to overcome problems of deforestation in Pakistan

Q.8 Define and differentiate between any FOUR of the following
a. Pathogen and Disease
b. Parasite and Predator
c. Organic farming and tunnel cultivation
d. Soil texture and soil structure
e. Land reform and land tenure
f. Certified seed and basic seed


2. What are the sources of irrigation water in Pakistan? Explain different methods of irrigation to agricultural crops

3. Write a detailed note on prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan

4. Explain the process of Biological Nitrogen fixation. Discuss the factors which affect this process

5. What is hybrid vigour? Explain the procedure of developing a hybrid corn

6. Expalin the process of protein synthesis in plant cell

7. What are major insects, pests and diseases of cotton crop in Pakistan? Suggest and explain an economical strategy to be 
adopted by the farmers to minimize the losses due to these menaces

8. Notes (Any Four)

 Land tenure system in Pakistan
 Status of Horticulture in Pakistan
 Water logging and salinity in Pakistan
 Role of Organic matter in soil
 Livestock as an important component of Agriculture in Pakistan
 Agro Forestry

Default Agriculture Paper CE-2014

Which plant is grown by seed plant technique?
Wheat Rice Potato Bajra

Drip irrigation is used for?
Dry Areas Humid Areas Sub Humid Areas Tropical Areas

Chemaically Pyrite is 
FeS FeS2

Shrinkage of cell membrane, protoplasm is called? 

Art of growing vegetables is called?

Which element is almost non-essential in plant growth?

Mo Ca Zn Na

Bioherbicides are used because?

Process by which nutrients are carried down by water?

Which crop requires most N?
Potato Wheat Barley Sugar cane

Ammonia is volatilized due to?

Symptoms of Ca first appear on?
Lower leaves upper leaves Middles Leaves All of these

Growing together of two or more crops simultaneously is called?

Aims of plant breeding are to?
All of these

Methods of homozygous Selection are?
All of these

Thermophiles best grow at which temperature?
50-60 C

three major nutrients in soils are?

Desired varieties of crops are produced by which method?

Green manure crops belong to which family?

Most of the world major crops belong to which family?

Q.2 Discuss environmental pollution. What are the major causes of environmental pollution in Pakistan?

Q.3 How does soil productivity differ from soil fertility? What are the factors responsible for degradation of soil productivity? Suggest practical measures to improve it.

Q.4 What is the ultimate source of nitrogen in soil? Explain in detail how it is fixed and made available to the plants.

Q.5 What are genetically modified organism (GM) and GM foods? Why are GM foods produced Mention the sound scientific basis for considering it safe for human health.

Q.6 What are the major factors responsible of low yield of vegetables in Pakistan? What measures are necessary to increase their production?

Q.7 Describe in detail the benefits and drawbacks of fertilizer and pesticide use in Pakistan.

Q.8 Write Short notes on any FOUR of the following.
a) Green house effect
b) Wind erosion
c) Organic framing
d) Hidden hunger in crop plants
e) Genetic factors of crop growth
f) Selective and non selective herbicides.

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