1. Wool gathering
meaning- indulgence in aimless thoughts and dreamy imagination; absent minded.
usage: Mother advised to her son to not wool gather and be serious
2. Under the harrow
meaning: in difficult situation; distress
usage:After giving divorce to her wife he is under the harrow now.
3. Cold comfort
meaning: little comfort or encouragement.
usage: After getting job Aslam is in cold comfort.
4. A gold digger
meaning: a relationship mad by women with a man to seek his money or gift.
usage: The new secretary seem to be gold digger.
5. Walk with God
meaning: to live in accordance with the commandments of God.
usage: He is very pious person because he walk with god.
6. On the thin ice
meaning: in a risky and dangerous situation.
usage: Aslam made many mistakes in the Essay paper and now his is on the thin ice
7. A queer fish
meaning: a person of old habits
usage: Aslam father in law is a queer fish
8. Unearthly hour
meaning: at a very earlier time of morning
usage: it is midnight what brought you to come here.
Meaning: showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person
Use in sentence: I'm so grateful (to you) for all that you've done.
Meaning: to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need
Use in sentence: We were gratified by the response to our appeal.
Meaning: describes something that is created by and exists only in the mind; that is not real
Use in sentence: As a child I had an imaginary friend called Polly.
Meaning: of, relating to, or characterized by imagination
Use in sentence: The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.
Meaning: not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your responsibility
Use in sentence: The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.
Meaning: too slight or small in amount to be of importance
Use in sentence: The difference between the two products is negligible.
Meaning: to stop from being angry
Use in sentence: The Canaanites had many gods and they ran here, there and everywhere to placate these gods.
Meaning: capable of being recognized
Use in sentence: An easy thing you could do is making clocks placeable on walls.
Meaning: unwilling to be controlled or be patient
Use in sentence: The audience was becoming restive as they waited for the performance to begin.
Meaning: unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored
Use in sentence: He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long.
21-which country is peninsula?
saudi arabia
22- pakistan situates on which line?
1- equator 2- cancer 3- inecapricorn 4- none
correet answer is option 4
23- macmohan line is situated b/w ?
india and china
24- who is david patrias?
american general in afghanistan
25- 1 meter is equal to ?
3.28 foot
26- caspian sea makes his boundries with
Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan.
27- largest agency among area in pakistan?
south wazirastan
28- old name of iraq?
29-blood is red due to ?
30-marian trence situated near?
31- headquarter of ghandhara civilization is?
32- head quarter of saarc is situated at?
33- maximum wool produceing country is?
34- official religion of japan is ?
35- which element use for producing nuclear fuel?
36- who many rakkhu in 30 paraa of quran
37-which is less conducter
1- iron, 2-copper 3- silver 4- wood
my answer was wood but not satisfied
38-nigara fall lies b/w
u.s.a and canida
39- which is smallest country of world among area
1- maldeeve 2- malta 3- san marino 4- bahreen
corect answer is option 3 san marino
40-holy prophet pbuh appoited governer of yeman for collection zakat?
hazrat muaz bin jabal
41- who many times zakat mention in quran?
32 times
42-which sura gives details among zakat receiver?
sura tuba
43-where ist wahii nazall hoe?
ghari hira
44- when zakat declered must
2 hijra
45-light of sun reach in earth
8.5 mint( while other options was 3mint 4mint 6.5 mint)
46- headquarter of ILO situated in ?
47- muslim league name was purposed by?
nawab saleem ullah khan of dahaka
48- juandice is disturb of which part of body
49- quaid azam leave congress due to
non- coperative moment by gandhi
50-in hapatiets which organ disturb
51- nisab in the amount of gold
87.48 gram( but in paper there was not dot present b/w 87 and48)
52- nisab in silver is?
612.32 gram
53-produce which is equal to nisab?
948kg wheat or equal
54-if a person having millat1800kg whose prize is half among wheat who many rupees he pay zakat
55-who was Father of the French Revolution?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau -
56-statue of freedom in newyark is given by
57- wall street is a famous?
stock market in newyork
58- sunlight consist of colours
a-1 b- 3 c-7( not confarm waiting for reply)
59-theory of relativety is presented by?
60- cash crop is?
which not cultivated for own use
61-artificial cultivated area give amount ushr equal to
62- if a person obtained something from underground the amount of zakat aplicable
63-zakat among goat aplicable on
40 goats
64- amount of zakat among gold silver and similar things
2.5 %
65- a government company obtained 1 billion net profit tell who much rupees its gives as a zakat
66-zakat ordinance promulgated on
20 june 1980
67-according to section17 tauluqa committe is equal to
tehsil commiitte
68- dasman palace is residence of
ameer kwait
69-procelain tower is present in
70- which muslim organization founded in 1962
Rabita al-Alam al-Islami
71- crtography is the study of
secret writting
72-founder of souct momemt
Robert Baden-Powell
73- elysee palace is the residence of
french president
74- second largest population in afghanistan?
75-worldwide spread disease is called?
76- zakat year start on
according to hijra clender
77- zakat year end ?
30 shaban
78- governer appointe chief administer with the consult with
federal government
79- administerator general appointed by
80- The magnitude of earthquake is measured with?
Richter Scale
81- Who forwarded the Lahore(Pakistan) Resolution?
A.K fazlul haq
82- East India Company came to India in the reign of:
A)Shah Jahan B) Jahangir C) Aurangzeb D) Babar
83- The largest Muslim country according to area is?
84- Zakat can be spent on:A)
Travelers B) Slaves C) Masakin D)All of these
85- Zakat is exempted on:
A)Sheep grazing fed free in pastures B) Fruits C) Vegetables D) All of them
86- Who was known as the Man of Destiny?
nepolin bona part
87- Adam's Peak is in?
sri lanka
88- According to the Zakat Ordinance Zakat arrears are collected by?
89- Red Cross/Crescent HQ is in?
90-Brain Drain
transfer of Skilled labors
91--light year complete direction in
1 year
92--musician of antham is
Ahmed gulami chagla
93- first ushr receive ?
1982-83 rabi crop
94-DZ committe disolved if
]member remain not pious
95- if a person failed to pay zakat what act can do?
send a notice
96- lake of vitamin c create which disease
skin desease
97-which vitamin help blood clotting?
98- founder of muslim rule in india?
qutubuddin abek
99- razia sultana belong to?
slave dynasty
100- second battle of panipat fought b/w
FPSC Appraising/ValuationOfficer (BS-16) Solved Past paper
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