FPSC Assistant Director Sample Paper

11.  Red Blood Cells are produced by __________ ?
A.    bone marrow
B.    liver
C.    small intestine
D.    kidneys

12.  X-Rays were discovered by __________ ?
A.    Hubble
B.    Chadwick
C.    Maxwell
D.    Rontgen

13.  The Planets are kept in orbit by __________ ?
A.    the gravitational pull of the Sun.
B.    the attraction among the Planets.
C.    sunlight from the Sun.
D.    fusion reaction inside the Sun.

14.  Red Colour + Green Colour + Blue Colour = __________ ?
A.    White Colour
B.    Black Colour
C.    Yellow Colour
D.    Orange Colour

15.  Short-Sight defect could be corrected by using __________ ?
A.    concave mirror
B.    convex mirror
C.    converging mirror
D.    none of these

16.  Severe deficiency of Vitamin-D results in _________ ?
A.    beri-beri
B.    rickets
C.    tuberculosis
D.    none of these

17.  The Simla Deputation was headed by __________ ?
A.    Mohsin-ul-Mulk
B.    Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
C.    Sir Aga Khan
D.    Sir Saleemullah

18.  The first president of The Indian National Congress was __________ ?
A.    Mr. Womesh Chandra
B.    Mr. Gandhijee
C.    Mr. Satyapal
D.    Mr. Sarojini Naidu

19.  Natural Gas was discovered in Sui, Baluchistan in __________ .
A.    1948
B.    1950
C.    1952
D.    1954

20.  Al-Hudaibiyah Treaty was scribed by _________ ?
A.    Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
B.    Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)
C.    Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)
D.    Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A)


11.  A
12.  D
13.  A
14.  A
15.  A
16.  B
17.  C
18.  A
19.  C

20.  D


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