General Military Knowledge

Questions and Answers
1. Which of the following military organizations, in general terms, is the smallest military unit capable of independent operations?
A.            Section                 B.            Brigade                 C.            Company             D.            Battalion

2. Situational Awareness is best defined as:
A. The combined knowledge of friendly forces, hostile forces and other relevant aspects of the Battle space.
B. The concerns and factors that can affect the environment within an Area of Operations.
C. The practice that links several battlefield functions together to assist a combat force in employing its sensors and managing the information they gather.
D. The knowledge, in near real-time of the geographical location of forces.

3. Which type of Order provides subordinate commanders essential direction to plan and execute operations normally related to tactical activities and should only contain enough detail as necessary for subordinate commanders to issue their own orders?
A. Warning Order             B. Administrative Order                                C. Operation Order         D. Fragmentary Order

4. In accordance with our coordinating staff model, which staff officer's role is to monitor, assess and coordinate current operations, conduct short-range and mid-range planning and coodinate training?
A.            G2          B.            G3          C.            G4          D.            G6

5. Which of the following military branches are considered the "Combat Arms?"
A.            Armour, Infantry, Combat Air and Artilliery          B.      Infantry, Signals, Intelligence and Armour
C.            Infantry, Security, Armour and Artillery                 D.     Armour, Infantry, Engineers and Artilliery

6. Which of the following options best outlines the unit and sub-unit organizations in an infantry hierarchy (highest - lowest). 

A.            Company, Section, Platoon, Battalion     B.            Battalion, Company, Platoon, Section
C.            Battalion, Platoon, Company, Section     D.            Brigade, Company, Section, Platoon

7. What is the role of the G4 within the coordinating staff organization?
A.            To monitor, assess and coordinate intelligence production.
B.            To monitor, assess and coordinate combat service support operations.
C.            To monitor, assess and coordinate communications and information systems requirements
D.            To monitor, assess and coordinate personnel administration.

8. You have a meeting with a group of military personnel scheduled for next week. In the group is a Major, Lieutenant, Captain, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel. Which of the following sequences represent the correct rank relationship (superior-subordinate) of the group.
A.            Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel, Major, Lieutenant, Captain
B.            Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Lieutenant, Major, Captain
C.            Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel, Lieutenant, Captain, Major
D.            Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant

9. Which of the following are characteristics of a Battle Group?
A.            Is usually formed around an infantry company. Is flexible and can be restructured quickly to
cope with changing situations.
B. Is usually formed around an infantry brigade. Is flexible and can be restructured quickly to cope with
changing situations.
C. Is usually formed around an infantry platoon. Could include anti-tank capability, air defence detachment and an artillery element. Is flexible and can be restructured quickly to cope with changing situations.
D. Is usually formed around an infantry battalion. Could include anti-tank capability, air defence detachment and an artillery element. Is flexible and can be restructured quickly to cope with changing situations.

10. The role of a headquarters is to:
A.     Provide the commander with the core funationality required to commnad, manage and plan full spectrum operations.
B.     Close with and destroy the enemy.
C.     Defeat the enemy through the aggressive use of firepower and battlefield mobility.
D.     Authorize an individual to direct, coordinate, and control military forces.

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